Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Aitzaz Ahsan - A Man of Courage

This is in reference to the article by Aitzaz Ahsan(KT, Feb 12). His never-ending struggle and dare-devil attitude deserves a huge applause. He has been the frontrunner alongwith Chaudary Ifthikar in the fight for the freedom of independent judiciary.
As he points out in his article, Chaudary Ifthikar and the other deposed judges were deemed as loyalists of the military regime because they agreed to take oath at the time when prominent judges refused to take oath on an 'unconstitutional' Constitution. Like Obama, he wanted 'change', he vowed to purify the courts which used to tilt towards powerful personalitites and government while making judgments previously.
He was harrased by Musharaf and other generals and was told to resign but he refused to bow down to people who are now more unpopular than Al Qaeda, as Aitzaz Ahsan points out. He was oust by Musharaf but came back hard with the help of Aitzaz Ahsan by winning his case. He re-wrote history by taking tough stance against government malpractices. 'Lal Masjid' Massacare, Nawaz Sharif's case , the missing people's case and the privatisation of Pakistan Steel was halted by him because it was being sold for peanuts.
Musharaf knew that this 'Napolean' with the help of loyalists can iniate a 'French Revloution' to overthrow his Raj. So, he kicked them out of the courts and house arrested them. But, what Musharaf does not know is that by putting 'courage' behind bars, he is not suppressing it, he is adding more fuel to it. Salute to you Mr. Ahsan, we need 'gladiators' like you who refuse to work under corruption !

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