Thursday, May 20, 2010

WIKIPEDIA banned in Pakistan

News from Islamabad..once again

After the LHC imposed a ban on till 31st May 2010, it was the turn of to get banned in Pakistan. Now, I cannot even access Wikipedia, and that too I was searching about Islam!

Something is just not right about all this!
The Government of Pakistan is being smart and is trying to censor all the articles, photos and videos which are against them. This is not a great move and I am sure people will know the true story very soon, media is quite powerful out here.

Moreover, it was a nice move from the LHC to ban facebook till 31st May 2010. I would have preferred the URL link of "Draw Muhammad Day" to be banned only but if it is the courts decision to ban the whole site for a number of days, then it is fine with me. When, these companies will lose their revenue from Pakistan, hopefully they might learn a lesson. Plus, such bans also disturbs the traffic on the websites. So, that surely will make them think to respect all religions from now on.

But, the ban should not be a permanent one as many Pakistanis would lose these vital tools. As a matter of fact, through these websites many Pakistanis and Muslims were spreading Da'awah through it. So, all such efforts would be lost. Moreover, many charities all over the world, even muslim ones, were collecting donations to ease the suffering in the Muslim World. Lack of access to these sites, will create major problems for such individuals and companies.

Instead of banning, muslim countries and muslims in USA should play a more responsible role. The lawyers should file a lawsuit against facebook especially for violating its own terms of use and privacy policy by allowing people to do hate speech and pass derogatory comments on its platform against Islam. 

We muslims, have to start thinking wisely!


  1. other people should think y they have target muslims and their leadres, every one calls muslims terrorist no 1 try to get the reason behind it

  2. The west is actually creates a spark and when Muslim retaliates they start terming them as terrorists. The root cause of this problem is that the attitude of the West!

  3. i think we are moving towrds a police stste,i mean whoi will decide ,how far will they go,
    this is stupid,a new kid on the block islamic lawyers movt,in the process have earned ridicule from the entire society,is this freedokm of speech.our govt cant free innocent civilians in western jails,mbut lose no time to impose martial law on the masses.will the jammat decide what gos on now,they cant get a single shitty vote,so what they do,parade their slave women to campaign against facebook and in the process kill the whole web,they need such issues,i remeber that s... samia raheel qazi some time bak objected to burkwaganza and it got banned also,theres is nothing to feel proud abt,they will campaign for an arab saint but whre is their ghairat when they leave our cuntrymen at the mercy of foreigners!!!!!!!!

  4. LOL
