We are the beginning of the new century which is nearing its first decade, more than six decades old and are still lagging behind in the field of education. People from the west have reached the moon and are trying to touch other galaxies because they invest in the most vital entity for the survival of harmony – education. Education instills in one’s mind the urge to excel in ones desired field. Moreover, it acts as an eye-bath for the eyes of the public which are relentlessly being infected by the dust blown by selfish opportunist leaders. But for the past sixty years, ‘adventurers’ of the ‘MT. loot-at-every-given-opening’ have denied the human of its basic right i.e. education. To save their skin from accountability of drying up our resources, these sly capitalist organizers have spread foolishness into the houses of the masses because they know that if education prevails then they would have to pack their bags up to go for a long and agonic journey to hell. As a result, the most important condition required for the spread of education is political will because without it there would be no commitment i.e. absence of a positive result. To achieve positive results in the field of education so that we make the populace literate following steps are must.
Firstly and most importantly, the children should be provided free education and parents should be provided employment opportunities so that they don’t force their children into the work-field. Government should open up nationalized business which will be involved in the manufacture of goods which can be exported for a profit. These government business ventures should open up in each and every ‘nook and corner’ of the country so that local people are employed, and paid well, so that they don’t push their children into the pit of work field. This would encourage parents to send their children to school and will also help the government to provide education on the house with the funds generated through the business ventures.
Secondly, the infrastructure of the school should be upgraded so that level of commitment and urge for achievement rises. In Pakistan, most of the students in the government schools are deprived of electricity several times during the school timings which disallows the school to use laboratory and computer facilities. Moreover, due to the menace of electricity state of the art technology for teaching and learning purpose is not available in Pakistan. To regularize this condition, government should provide ‘state of the art’ schools in poor districts so that the children learn in a healthy environment where all facilities are provided for their progress. Moreover, the government should advise WAPDA not to disconnect electricity at schools and universities as it hinders the education process. Additionally number of classes should be increased, toilets should be hygienic i.e. the infrastructure should be analyzed.
Thirdly, the curriculum and standard of teachers should be examined and new measures should be taken to improve the condition. The curriculum is so dull that it does not motivate the children. Children are being taught Allah is great but make them understand the meaning of Allah and his greatness. Stories from Prophet Muhammad’s life should be shared with the children in lighter vein so that the understanding of Islam increases in their mind. Moreover, the curriculum should be made entertaining so that the children enjoy it and learn from it. This will also help in eradicating the problem of booty mafia and blind memorizing. Teaches should conduct exercises so that the children could apply what they have learnt. Most importantly, there should be a ‘check and balance’ system placed at a district level to monitor the teachers. An awful teacher is enough to kill the inspiration in a child who wishes to progress in the future. There have been cases against teachers either punishing children harshly for small mistakes or molesting them. Such activities crush down the morale of a child and can lead him to a dangerous curve of life where a ‘do or a die’ consequence arises. Therefore, curriculum should be so good that even if the teacher is below standard, children learn to ask questions – to ask a question is 50% knowledge. On the other hand, teachers should be selected on the basis of merit so that all probabilities of mismanagement are buried down.
Finally, the government has to play a vital role to implement these measures. Implementation is the key word and political will is the machinery to do it. Government should take all the parties concerned (parents, teachers, administration and youngsters) and make a forum where problems related to the education field are evaluated. Moreover, awareness campaign in rural and urban areas should kick started so that all the parties learn the importance of education. Under performers in school should also be encouraged by the authorities. In order to take this step, government should deploy counsel at all educational institutions to help students with their troubles. Moreover, schemes like ‘Parha Likha Punjab’ should not be initiated because these projects were completely depended on World Bank loans so that individuals can gain popularity. It also creates a dent on our liabilities which pushes us deeper into the pit of debts.
We as a nation have the duty to provide the coming generations with the wealth of knowledge which includes the studies of the world and religion. This duty can be performed exceptionally well if there is dedication from all parties involved. Pakistan has become a vulnerable state because bad decisions are been taken regularly which has caused a leadership crisis. We have to educate the children today so that we make them ready to face the challenges of tomorrow and make them future leaders of Pakistan. Let’s groom the future leaders of Pakistan.
Firstly and most importantly, the children should be provided free education and parents should be provided employment opportunities so that they don’t force their children into the work-field. Government should open up nationalized business which will be involved in the manufacture of goods which can be exported for a profit. These government business ventures should open up in each and every ‘nook and corner’ of the country so that local people are employed, and paid well, so that they don’t push their children into the pit of work field. This would encourage parents to send their children to school and will also help the government to provide education on the house with the funds generated through the business ventures.
Secondly, the infrastructure of the school should be upgraded so that level of commitment and urge for achievement rises. In Pakistan, most of the students in the government schools are deprived of electricity several times during the school timings which disallows the school to use laboratory and computer facilities. Moreover, due to the menace of electricity state of the art technology for teaching and learning purpose is not available in Pakistan. To regularize this condition, government should provide ‘state of the art’ schools in poor districts so that the children learn in a healthy environment where all facilities are provided for their progress. Moreover, the government should advise WAPDA not to disconnect electricity at schools and universities as it hinders the education process. Additionally number of classes should be increased, toilets should be hygienic i.e. the infrastructure should be analyzed.
Thirdly, the curriculum and standard of teachers should be examined and new measures should be taken to improve the condition. The curriculum is so dull that it does not motivate the children. Children are being taught Allah is great but make them understand the meaning of Allah and his greatness. Stories from Prophet Muhammad’s life should be shared with the children in lighter vein so that the understanding of Islam increases in their mind. Moreover, the curriculum should be made entertaining so that the children enjoy it and learn from it. This will also help in eradicating the problem of booty mafia and blind memorizing. Teaches should conduct exercises so that the children could apply what they have learnt. Most importantly, there should be a ‘check and balance’ system placed at a district level to monitor the teachers. An awful teacher is enough to kill the inspiration in a child who wishes to progress in the future. There have been cases against teachers either punishing children harshly for small mistakes or molesting them. Such activities crush down the morale of a child and can lead him to a dangerous curve of life where a ‘do or a die’ consequence arises. Therefore, curriculum should be so good that even if the teacher is below standard, children learn to ask questions – to ask a question is 50% knowledge. On the other hand, teachers should be selected on the basis of merit so that all probabilities of mismanagement are buried down.
Finally, the government has to play a vital role to implement these measures. Implementation is the key word and political will is the machinery to do it. Government should take all the parties concerned (parents, teachers, administration and youngsters) and make a forum where problems related to the education field are evaluated. Moreover, awareness campaign in rural and urban areas should kick started so that all the parties learn the importance of education. Under performers in school should also be encouraged by the authorities. In order to take this step, government should deploy counsel at all educational institutions to help students with their troubles. Moreover, schemes like ‘Parha Likha Punjab’ should not be initiated because these projects were completely depended on World Bank loans so that individuals can gain popularity. It also creates a dent on our liabilities which pushes us deeper into the pit of debts.
We as a nation have the duty to provide the coming generations with the wealth of knowledge which includes the studies of the world and religion. This duty can be performed exceptionally well if there is dedication from all parties involved. Pakistan has become a vulnerable state because bad decisions are been taken regularly which has caused a leadership crisis. We have to educate the children today so that we make them ready to face the challenges of tomorrow and make them future leaders of Pakistan. Let’s groom the future leaders of Pakistan.
@Abdul : Ya abdul you are correct.. It's really a nice post.. I accept your point.... But because of poverty and so many problems which can't be revealed here, many people in this world are missing those golden opportunities of getting the required education at the correct time.... Whats the solution for this dude?
ReplyDeleteAdd my link into your blog.. And keep in touch in my blog.. Nice to meet you friend.....
@ Selerines
ReplyDeleteThe solution for this is simple. We have to change the mindset of the people. For that you need leaders who understand this fact of life. There is a leadership crisis in the Indian Sub Continent. We are missing out on a lot of good things in life because we dont have people like Jinnah, Gandhi and Nehru.
Thanks for the comments on my blog. I would like you to give me some suggestions on how to increase the number of visitors on my blog.
@Abdul :Its simple dude.. Listen, put more and more interesting topics as like now. Now your blog is so much interesting... Keep this energy with you.... In your profile, go and click the links from the Favourite Music, Favourite Movies, Favourite Books and so on... Then it will display the list of members.. After that open the profiles of each member and comment in the blog like inviting them to your blog. Then they will come and comment in your blog if they are interested in it.. Then you just exchange the links with them... Thats all..... I am really lucky ti get a friend like you.. Keep in touch in my blog friend... Don't forget Selerines World after you got so many visitors.... Ok dude? Take care....
ReplyDeleteComment : Let us hope for the best in future as you said... Leaders?????????