From the outlook of the way the events are shaping up in Pakistan, it can be presumed that more surprises are going to come sooner than later. Since the past one decade, our country has captured the headlines, and mostly the news is not music to ears, and this has made me very suspicious lately.
If you re-wind, the nuclear tests brought us sanctions, the Kargil affair and the Shariah rule toppled a popular government, the 9/11 brought us the never ending woes, Chief Justice Episode, Benazir Bhutto assassination, and battle between Zardari and Sharifs and the list is too long to list. This is not a mere coincidence, this has been a pre planned strategy of the planners who don’t like our existence, and it’s not another conspiracy theory.
In fact, the fight against our ideology is not a recent one; it began even before we were formed. The advent of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, supported by the British, formed a new sect which said ‘no’ to Jihad, and I must say he did not do a bad job, he converted many Muslims to his form of Islam which made the followers of the Battle of Badar concept impotent to fight. Next step, the British armed forces, ex-British forces (The Americans) and allies toppled the famous Khliafat movement in the late 1920’s, and with it they crushed and avenged the losses they faced due to “pain in the neck” warriors like Salahudin Ayoubi (May Allah bless him) during the Crusades. They thought they had settled down the Muslims for good and they could implement their evil agenda at ease.
But, The Best Planner had other plans. The dream of a Muhammad was turned into a reality by another Muhammad – the dream of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, and turned into a reality by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The oppressors had to succumb to the force of the Muslims living in the Sub continent, but they did not drop their weapons then and not planning to drop them any sooner. Lucky for them, they managed to make a state for themselves – State of Israel.
Sadly, Pakistan lost its way. At first, the Pakistanis lost the only leader they ever had, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, and secondly the crowd who abhor us got rid of our first Prime Minister in the most bizarre fashion. From there on, they have not lost their track. At first, they brought corrupt leaders into our system who implemented corruption to create an inequality in wealth distribution. Second, they made the system so corrupt by filling the pockets of our corrupt regime that it made it sure that Pakistan is never able to reach self sufficiency at products/services essential for life. It’s a disgrace for a country with such large agricultural resources to be still dependent on imports. Furthermore, bio technology methods to raise crop yield is still not sanctioned fully by the Government of Pakistan, while China and India sanctioned them completely a decade back – this is how serious they are to rub our name off from the map.
That’s not it. They became friends with us and then they stabbed us as hard as they could. Look around at other countries, and you would find the same story. They became friends with Egypt, one of the biggest Muslim countries, and made sure they never mess with Israel. Hosni Mubarik is a rich person but his countrymen live in poverty. Besides that, Saddam’s example is simply the best, the best betrayal story of all time. Moreover, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and UAE have their own stories. In short, they made the Muslims weak by making them materialistic, brought them towards usury, adultery, pornography, alcohol and towards all those activities which makes the world so ‘fair’ and life hereafter ugly.
They did not stop. They encouraged sectarian violence in our country. Sunnis killed Shias, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto victimized Qadyanis for a reason which only God knows, they made fun of our religion and the list can never end because they have decided not to stop. Moreover, they sowed the seeds of Nationalism and sponsored them too. From ANP to MQM to Baitullah Mehsud – all three have received “US AID”. This invented the practice amongst Muslims of the Sub Continent to kill each other on the name of nationalism, patriotism, crime and most sadly on religion. The on going war against the so called Taliban in the FATA areas is just another move to increase uncertainty and security issues in the country to such an extent so that they are able to declare war on Pakistan with ease. Their supporters in their sick plans are in good numbers and in good position – Indians, Israelis, Russians, Americans and some soul-less Pakistani themselves.
But, they always forget that The Best Planner of all has always the best plans ready to exterminate their sick agendas and preserve the lives of his followers. They, the enemies of Islam and Pakistan, will not stop to plan against us; they cannot stop to plan against us because they are the friends of Satan and will remain to do so. WE have to change; change ourselves so that we set ourselves on the straight path and then change the world in the process. I don’t know if we will be righteous or not sooner or later, all I know is that we are going to face a lot of hardships throughout our journey in this world but we will never lose the battle against the wickedness because we worship the True God.
If you re-wind, the nuclear tests brought us sanctions, the Kargil affair and the Shariah rule toppled a popular government, the 9/11 brought us the never ending woes, Chief Justice Episode, Benazir Bhutto assassination, and battle between Zardari and Sharifs and the list is too long to list. This is not a mere coincidence, this has been a pre planned strategy of the planners who don’t like our existence, and it’s not another conspiracy theory.
In fact, the fight against our ideology is not a recent one; it began even before we were formed. The advent of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, supported by the British, formed a new sect which said ‘no’ to Jihad, and I must say he did not do a bad job, he converted many Muslims to his form of Islam which made the followers of the Battle of Badar concept impotent to fight. Next step, the British armed forces, ex-British forces (The Americans) and allies toppled the famous Khliafat movement in the late 1920’s, and with it they crushed and avenged the losses they faced due to “pain in the neck” warriors like Salahudin Ayoubi (May Allah bless him) during the Crusades. They thought they had settled down the Muslims for good and they could implement their evil agenda at ease.
But, The Best Planner had other plans. The dream of a Muhammad was turned into a reality by another Muhammad – the dream of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, and turned into a reality by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The oppressors had to succumb to the force of the Muslims living in the Sub continent, but they did not drop their weapons then and not planning to drop them any sooner. Lucky for them, they managed to make a state for themselves – State of Israel.
Sadly, Pakistan lost its way. At first, the Pakistanis lost the only leader they ever had, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, and secondly the crowd who abhor us got rid of our first Prime Minister in the most bizarre fashion. From there on, they have not lost their track. At first, they brought corrupt leaders into our system who implemented corruption to create an inequality in wealth distribution. Second, they made the system so corrupt by filling the pockets of our corrupt regime that it made it sure that Pakistan is never able to reach self sufficiency at products/services essential for life. It’s a disgrace for a country with such large agricultural resources to be still dependent on imports. Furthermore, bio technology methods to raise crop yield is still not sanctioned fully by the Government of Pakistan, while China and India sanctioned them completely a decade back – this is how serious they are to rub our name off from the map.
That’s not it. They became friends with us and then they stabbed us as hard as they could. Look around at other countries, and you would find the same story. They became friends with Egypt, one of the biggest Muslim countries, and made sure they never mess with Israel. Hosni Mubarik is a rich person but his countrymen live in poverty. Besides that, Saddam’s example is simply the best, the best betrayal story of all time. Moreover, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and UAE have their own stories. In short, they made the Muslims weak by making them materialistic, brought them towards usury, adultery, pornography, alcohol and towards all those activities which makes the world so ‘fair’ and life hereafter ugly.
They did not stop. They encouraged sectarian violence in our country. Sunnis killed Shias, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto victimized Qadyanis for a reason which only God knows, they made fun of our religion and the list can never end because they have decided not to stop. Moreover, they sowed the seeds of Nationalism and sponsored them too. From ANP to MQM to Baitullah Mehsud – all three have received “US AID”. This invented the practice amongst Muslims of the Sub Continent to kill each other on the name of nationalism, patriotism, crime and most sadly on religion. The on going war against the so called Taliban in the FATA areas is just another move to increase uncertainty and security issues in the country to such an extent so that they are able to declare war on Pakistan with ease. Their supporters in their sick plans are in good numbers and in good position – Indians, Israelis, Russians, Americans and some soul-less Pakistani themselves.
But, they always forget that The Best Planner of all has always the best plans ready to exterminate their sick agendas and preserve the lives of his followers. They, the enemies of Islam and Pakistan, will not stop to plan against us; they cannot stop to plan against us because they are the friends of Satan and will remain to do so. WE have to change; change ourselves so that we set ourselves on the straight path and then change the world in the process. I don’t know if we will be righteous or not sooner or later, all I know is that we are going to face a lot of hardships throughout our journey in this world but we will never lose the battle against the wickedness because we worship the True God.
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