There are fissures in the foundations of Pakistan which is due to the severe scarcity of superior leaders in our political and nonspecific arena. Since the departure of Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Liaqut Ali Khan, the situation has gone haywire in our realm. From Ayub to Zardari, the status quo of this dearth is escalating extraordinarily. This deficiency has raised the level of fretfulness in the general public to unknown heights which is so severe for the social order that from a tea stall to gelato affair or from a ghetto to a bastion, there is just one question on everyone's mind i.e." when will good leaders arrive?"
Such a situation is so wrong because nations that wait for heroes to save them are the unluckiest – only struggle creates heroes not luck because luck is always with those who don’t include it in their plans, read history if you don’t believe it. Once on this topic, one wise man shared his wisdom on this dilemma with me once. He explained that lack of education is the raison d'ĂȘtre behind the lack of leadership. Therefore, he had a simple modus operandi for its solution i.e. to provide quality education to children, especially to females, so that when these little girls turn into mothers, they give birth to revolutionaries. For a moment, I wanted to jump on the couch to celebrate the elucidation he provided. But then, I came back to veracity and thought that this will take decades.
It disturbed me for a little while. However, the astute chap saw the depressed look on my face and suggested "Brother, carry on your struggle for it because that’s the only thing you have control over and leave the results to The One who controls the cosmos". STOP. These words should be enough for anyone to realize that nothing is impossible if one struggles for it with honesty, integrity and commitment. For instance, look at Iqbal and Jinnah. Interestingly and gladly, his formula to success and peace is simple and achievable; one just has to believe in it.
All we have to do is to do our bit to make the society a better place to live in and through this by default we will achieve the beloved domino effect. Sadly, I see most of the populace waste their times in activities which are unproductive with zero output, in fact, it sucks up the resources. Hence, this is the time to act and start the restoration phase and let's stamp out the word "inefficient" before the word "leadership" because crisis creates motivation and we have a bag full of crises at the moment.
So True!! and indeed a thought provoking post!