The Bomb blast in the Marriot hotel in Islamabad has brought Pakistan to a point which has shaken it from its base. Every Pakistani has been pushed into a maze of questions which were deemed sacrilegious to our nationalism sometime back. But now the answers to these questions are the key to our survival.
Why was Pakistan created? What are Pakistanis – Either Nationalists or Muslims or a mixture of both?
Pakistan was formed in 1947 for the Muslims residing in the Indian Sub continent. The cause purely for its creation was that the Muslims just couldn’t live to tell the tale by co-existing with the Hindus and vice versa. The tolerance between the Muslims and Hindus got dented heavily and the handshake of peace between the two broke hells loose – thus this 500 year rapport, older than the Mughal Empire came to an end on 14th August 1947 with Pakistan gaining its freedom from the British and the Indians simultaneously. Interestingly, the British applied the ‘United we stand, divide we rule’ formula brilliantly and reaped the the fruits for it. ‘The division of the golden bird’ was the name of the fruit which was toxin for this part of the world and tonic for another.
Moreover, Pakistan has gone through an out of the ordinary 60 years which were full of empty slogans used by the people in power who had more interests for themselves than for their countrymen. Ayub gave us some, Bhuttos gave us plenty and Musharraf gifted the most implausible one – ‘Sub Se Pehle Pakistan’.
Qs- ‘What’s wrong with it?’
Answer – ‘What’s right in it?’
It did create sentiments in the people to think about their country, which is good, Agreed. But the problem is that it just created nationalists mind-set which are secondary to every Pakistani, the primary is the Islamic ones because that is what we are based on. The meaning of Pakistan is that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. We are Muslims first and Pakistanis secondary. If my name is told to a westerner, the first thing he would say is that, ‘Oh! That’s a Muslim name’. So the matters rest there.
Noticing, the above paragraph one would understand why we exist as a different country in this Indian Sub Continent. There are only two countries in the world that were made in the name of religion – one Pakistan and the other Israel. Please become aware of the fact that we have got a crescent in our flag which symbolizes Islam while the Star of David on the flag of Israel shows their strong Jewish sentiments. So being a Nationalist is nothing to be proud but actually to be ashamed of and that goes for the liberation armies in Balochistan too. Therefore, we cannot put the Islamic ideologies on the back burner. Mr. Two face who was overthrown by ‘The Dark Knights’ after 9 years of evilness, Mr. Musharraf, slyly applied the same formula of ‘Divide & Rule’ during his tenure, because he wanted to transform Pakistan into what Uncle Sam desired.
Damage: The slogan created nationalist feelings in the people of Pakistan which brought dreadful results for this country. Firstly, a majority of people thought the bombing of Afghanistan after the 9/11 ‘fake drama’ was right – what the poor souls did not know that Uncle Sam was not against a particular nation but he was against an ideology. For America, communism was a threat to their free market enterprise system, so they destroyed and yes applied the divide formula again to disintegrate USSR into several countries. Secondly, the same way the Islamic way of living a life was also becoming a threat because it was turning Sams into Sameers. Thus, the Americans had to do something, and they did that on 9/11/2001, demolished the WTC building by using the controlled demolition processes used to bring down skyscrapers when they turn old. They blamed the Afghans for it, made a way into the fields to wipe us and our ideology out of this God’s green world.
Current Scenario: The previous government and the current government in Pakistan are still supporting the sentiments of the Americans and sorry to say are paying the price for it. They have bought nationalists feelings for the price they paid to America for adopting their thoughts. These thoughts are termites which have eaten up the peace in Islamic world.
Solution: The government should join hands with all the current parties in the assembly and out of it to build a national consensus policy to tackle these situations, suicide bombing & baseless attacks on Agencies in FATA, where innocent Pakistanis are losing their lives daily which in fact are regularly shaking our nation and its people. We need to solve this dilemma through negotiations and not by the use of arms because no one will drop weapons if you continue to kill their brothers. The power of revenge and hatred develops so harsh feelings that at times one forgets the laws laid down by God. It’s only the power of love which can transform this lunacy to serenity.
Why was Pakistan created? What are Pakistanis – Either Nationalists or Muslims or a mixture of both?
Pakistan was formed in 1947 for the Muslims residing in the Indian Sub continent. The cause purely for its creation was that the Muslims just couldn’t live to tell the tale by co-existing with the Hindus and vice versa. The tolerance between the Muslims and Hindus got dented heavily and the handshake of peace between the two broke hells loose – thus this 500 year rapport, older than the Mughal Empire came to an end on 14th August 1947 with Pakistan gaining its freedom from the British and the Indians simultaneously. Interestingly, the British applied the ‘United we stand, divide we rule’ formula brilliantly and reaped the the fruits for it. ‘The division of the golden bird’ was the name of the fruit which was toxin for this part of the world and tonic for another.
Moreover, Pakistan has gone through an out of the ordinary 60 years which were full of empty slogans used by the people in power who had more interests for themselves than for their countrymen. Ayub gave us some, Bhuttos gave us plenty and Musharraf gifted the most implausible one – ‘Sub Se Pehle Pakistan’.
Qs- ‘What’s wrong with it?’
Answer – ‘What’s right in it?’
It did create sentiments in the people to think about their country, which is good, Agreed. But the problem is that it just created nationalists mind-set which are secondary to every Pakistani, the primary is the Islamic ones because that is what we are based on. The meaning of Pakistan is that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. We are Muslims first and Pakistanis secondary. If my name is told to a westerner, the first thing he would say is that, ‘Oh! That’s a Muslim name’. So the matters rest there.
Noticing, the above paragraph one would understand why we exist as a different country in this Indian Sub Continent. There are only two countries in the world that were made in the name of religion – one Pakistan and the other Israel. Please become aware of the fact that we have got a crescent in our flag which symbolizes Islam while the Star of David on the flag of Israel shows their strong Jewish sentiments. So being a Nationalist is nothing to be proud but actually to be ashamed of and that goes for the liberation armies in Balochistan too. Therefore, we cannot put the Islamic ideologies on the back burner. Mr. Two face who was overthrown by ‘The Dark Knights’ after 9 years of evilness, Mr. Musharraf, slyly applied the same formula of ‘Divide & Rule’ during his tenure, because he wanted to transform Pakistan into what Uncle Sam desired.
Damage: The slogan created nationalist feelings in the people of Pakistan which brought dreadful results for this country. Firstly, a majority of people thought the bombing of Afghanistan after the 9/11 ‘fake drama’ was right – what the poor souls did not know that Uncle Sam was not against a particular nation but he was against an ideology. For America, communism was a threat to their free market enterprise system, so they destroyed and yes applied the divide formula again to disintegrate USSR into several countries. Secondly, the same way the Islamic way of living a life was also becoming a threat because it was turning Sams into Sameers. Thus, the Americans had to do something, and they did that on 9/11/2001, demolished the WTC building by using the controlled demolition processes used to bring down skyscrapers when they turn old. They blamed the Afghans for it, made a way into the fields to wipe us and our ideology out of this God’s green world.
Current Scenario: The previous government and the current government in Pakistan are still supporting the sentiments of the Americans and sorry to say are paying the price for it. They have bought nationalists feelings for the price they paid to America for adopting their thoughts. These thoughts are termites which have eaten up the peace in Islamic world.
Solution: The government should join hands with all the current parties in the assembly and out of it to build a national consensus policy to tackle these situations, suicide bombing & baseless attacks on Agencies in FATA, where innocent Pakistanis are losing their lives daily which in fact are regularly shaking our nation and its people. We need to solve this dilemma through negotiations and not by the use of arms because no one will drop weapons if you continue to kill their brothers. The power of revenge and hatred develops so harsh feelings that at times one forgets the laws laid down by God. It’s only the power of love which can transform this lunacy to serenity.
Hi friend !! the point made by u is absolutely rite ... and do u think if the country does these work will it become secure ??
ReplyDeleteTo implement peace and stability, number of measures and steps have to be taken. It is not neccessary that this 1 step will open the doors for peace to take rest in our country. But, the process has to start from somewhere. By keeping hands on heads, our leaders are not solving the problems, instead they are creating more because more and more are drowning everyday.