I have some questions for those who say that they want the governement to take actions against wheat shortages and electricity problems at the cost of the judiciary issue. These questions are againstlso targeted towards the supporters of Musharaf. Plus I would also request the group of people who are against Musharaf to answer these questions too. The answers will help to streamline the people responsible for our crises.For ALL I have the following questions :-
1. Who was ruling Pakistan for the past 9 years ?
2. Who was making the socio-economic policies including the decision to support US in Afghan war ?
3. Who was the head of the National Security Council which used to take major decisions linked to the country?
4. Who did not took measures to increase the number of dams so that electricity could be generated ?
5. Who did not take action against those who were behind the hoarding and smuggling of Wheat ?
6. Do you think this person or persons accused should be taken to the courts for corruption and mis governance so that he becomes an example for the leaders of the future to not indulge in corruption ?
7.Before 1999, there were no case of suicide bombing in Pakistan, after the decision of going into the US side against Afghanistan, Pakistan got this menace in return. Thousands of Pakistanis have lost their lives due to this. Tommorow, it can be you or me who will lose our lives due to this decision by an individual and our families will grieve over it for life. Do you want to take the accused person to the court who took the wrong decision on Afghan war for the sake of those crying mothers ?
8. In developed countries, people go to the court if injustice is done to them. Would you prefer going to the court and fight for the right of electricity at all times and wheat at low prices or would you prefer to face the problems ?
9. Would you support a person, it can be you or me, who stands against dictatorship because he/she believes that a forum of representatives from the nation should exist ?
10. Who would you blame for the current wheat, electricity, terrorism and judiciary crises ?(The answer for this question - can be an individual, organization or system of governance.)
11. Do you think government has the right to punish criminals who have broken the law according to the constitution ?
Now, I am expecting straight foward answers to these questions because they are also straightfoward. The questions are either asking names or asking to answer in yes or no. The
Nation is eagerly waiting for the answers of these questions !
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