Money has more significance than anything in this world. Money is the winner in the race for success in which relationships get disqualified at the starting line these days, which is entirely wrong. This assumption will bring worldly goods temporarily and bring woes thereafter. People have become so materialistic that money has become has become a primary concern while relationships come a distant second. The craze for money has made everyone a maniac and this world a mental asylum.
The story of hare and tortoise can used to depict the norms of the world these days. Figuratively, hare is the ‘haughty money crazy creature’ who loses the race for success because of his non comprehension of human relationships and the ‘humble intelligent tortoise’ win this race because he chose the right arsenal to gain victory i.e. health and blessings, with the wealth of guidance, patience and satisfaction. The ‘crazy for money’ people will fall down in a deep ditch and will only be rescue themselves out of the dilemma once they get their ‘eyes’, relationships, to guide them to their destination.
There are two groups in this race for money where everything and everyone else come second. Firstly, there is a group which is running for money to meet the two ends. Additionally, the other group is sprinting for money to maintain the standards of living. Moreover, in this race for survival populace have forgotten the most vital thing in life- Relationships. But both should not forget the fundamental aspect of love as without it things will go downhill one day.
Relationships are the most vital thing which is needed to endure in this world. There are several categories in relationships. Relationship with God, with parents, with siblings, with wives and children are few examples. In other words, any form of unconditional love is the antidote to the problems to this world.
Firstly, having a good relationship with God reaps the benefit of a vigorous and blessed life. Secondly, a good relationship with elders is lucrative as you seek guidance, find comfort and get blessings from them, which is like water for the thirsty. Moreover, love from a wife gives satisfaction and teaches patience along with it which helps to learn different aspects of life. Finally, love and respect you gain from brothers and sisters at the end of a tiring day is like an out of the blue reward which gives one a feeling of triumph.
The key to survive is maintaining good relationships rather than running for money and shunning loved ones. If one maintains good relationships blessings in the work-field will come twelve fold. Thus, one should not desert this critical facet of life as life without it is groundless. There is a school of thought which says money can buy happiness which is definitely not true. Maintaining relationships is a tree which will reap you three benefits at the end of the ‘harvest’ season – love, patience, satisfaction and monetary gains. Therefore, hug and remember loved ones rather than the devil that lures us to money.
The story of hare and tortoise can used to depict the norms of the world these days. Figuratively, hare is the ‘haughty money crazy creature’ who loses the race for success because of his non comprehension of human relationships and the ‘humble intelligent tortoise’ win this race because he chose the right arsenal to gain victory i.e. health and blessings, with the wealth of guidance, patience and satisfaction. The ‘crazy for money’ people will fall down in a deep ditch and will only be rescue themselves out of the dilemma once they get their ‘eyes’, relationships, to guide them to their destination.
There are two groups in this race for money where everything and everyone else come second. Firstly, there is a group which is running for money to meet the two ends. Additionally, the other group is sprinting for money to maintain the standards of living. Moreover, in this race for survival populace have forgotten the most vital thing in life- Relationships. But both should not forget the fundamental aspect of love as without it things will go downhill one day.
Relationships are the most vital thing which is needed to endure in this world. There are several categories in relationships. Relationship with God, with parents, with siblings, with wives and children are few examples. In other words, any form of unconditional love is the antidote to the problems to this world.
Firstly, having a good relationship with God reaps the benefit of a vigorous and blessed life. Secondly, a good relationship with elders is lucrative as you seek guidance, find comfort and get blessings from them, which is like water for the thirsty. Moreover, love from a wife gives satisfaction and teaches patience along with it which helps to learn different aspects of life. Finally, love and respect you gain from brothers and sisters at the end of a tiring day is like an out of the blue reward which gives one a feeling of triumph.
The key to survive is maintaining good relationships rather than running for money and shunning loved ones. If one maintains good relationships blessings in the work-field will come twelve fold. Thus, one should not desert this critical facet of life as life without it is groundless. There is a school of thought which says money can buy happiness which is definitely not true. Maintaining relationships is a tree which will reap you three benefits at the end of the ‘harvest’ season – love, patience, satisfaction and monetary gains. Therefore, hug and remember loved ones rather than the devil that lures us to money.
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