The story of Pakistan is the story of ambitious generals who are denying the people of their rights; therefore, today's Pakistan is a baby who is deprived of mother's milk. At the age of sixty, it should been as strong as a warrior. But due to the situations, this baby is not budding because of under-nourishment. The reasons for this under-nourishment are not inestimable and the solution of it lies in the mindset of the people. The two main circumstances which have led Pakistan to the edge of the pit are the following.
Firstly, the political turmoil is disturbing the growth of this country which was the brain child of its founders. Since 1947, Pakistan's politics is engulfed in power politics. Due to the fight for the chair and political victimization from the holder of the chair later on, Pakistan's resources are wasted by corrupt leaders who just want to succeed themselves or want to suppress their enemies – the general public. This type of governance, which is running for the past six decades in our country, is not democracy but ‘demo-crazy’. Secondly, the slogan raised by Iqbal and Jinnah was ‘Two Nation Theory’ which insisted for a separate country for the Muslims. Unfortunately, the constitution of our country is not very Islamic and even if a school of thought argue that it is, the ‘tits and bits’ present in the charter are not applied in the society. Thus lack of leadership and non application of the Islamic rule is the root cause for our grievances.
The Mother’s milk which this baby needs would be produced if it’s manufactured the following way. Importantly, lets not forget that we the People of Pakistan are Muslims first and Pakistanis later. To curb this menace of volatility we have to increase literacy in our country. Due to lack of education, of the religion and world, people with vested interests pull the wool over our eyes. We realize the facts when it’s too late because we are not able to differentiate between right and wrong. The key to end our misery is spreading education between the masses. The first step to be taken is to discourage Child Labor so that up bringing of the future generation is nurtured. It would be a tough pill to swallow for the poor, who have to make their children work to make the ends meet, but if we don’t plant the tree now then how come we would get the fruits of prosperity. Additionally, the government with its resources has to apply a valiant and expensive measure of making education on the house for all in all the provinces. As a result of the appliance of education, Pakistan will attain an intellectual workforce who would be equipped with the knowledge of the world and religion. As soon as these two motives are accomplished, political turmoil will wear out, Islamic laws would be applied effortlessly and prosperity will come to our door step to kiss our feet.
To achieve this milestone, we need a phenomenon in the ranks of our leadership swiftly. Leaders have to go through a re-incarnation process so that they see the bigger picture. The bigger picture is that we have to realize the fact that we are the servants of Almighty Allah and have come to this creation of his to carry out the duties he has assigned for us. Veteran politicians, once cleansed of impurities of the current materialistic world, have to guide the generation of new leaders to the path of honesty which lead this country into social and economic prosperity further.
Interestingly, everyone wants to be a leader but will not do the dishes with his mom which I wish is as false as prophecy as it is outlandish. One who wants to lead or is a leader of a family should provide the necessary guidance in his home because it will make the foundations of this country strong. Moreover, a leader should have courage to lead and the audacity to apply the change required rather than giving long speeches otherwise the above prophecy would turn out to be true. Furthermore, a leader is who leads the public to the path of success. Therefore, he should always keep in his mind that the main motive he is bestowed with power is to serve people rather than to rule them arrogantly. Power intoxicates and when one overcomes this notion, he has passed the test God has laid for him with flying grades which means one is fit to lead for eternity.
One should think over that these issues are the basis of our insecurity and realize these factors should not be thrown at the back burner otherwise our fate is doomed. We, the People of Pakistan, are given a chance to be the producers of our own destiny and if we stand united, we will overcome all problems. As God tells us to believe that whatever happens is for the good, then we the people should be thankful to the Lord for the current crises, food inflation and energy crisis, because it has made us united and has become a blessing in disguise for us. Crises create motivation and we are motivated to nourish this baby with the mother’s milk it has been deprived of.