Sunday, February 10, 2008


'Patience is a virtue' which you hear when your are in class 2, but tolerance levels go down when you jump into the world. Hit the road, you find ''Beatles" performing 'live shows' on the road in order to reach their destination faster putting their and our lives in danger. When these people finally reach at a signal, they start playing their latest honking tunes as soon as the signal turns from red to green. Have Patience friends!
Switch on the TV, guess what you see? The usual Saas-Bahu fights or in other words Hillary and Obama ripping each others hair off, both trying to create history by being the first woman and first black president respectively, but arent both democrats? They should learn from their Republican counterparts, and hopefully put a stop to their 'mud-slinging' so that they could acheive a good result in the november elections. Have Patience buddies!
Switch off the TV, open up a newspaper, flipping to the sporting news hoping against hope to see something good, you end up reading about 'Harbhajan-Symonds saga' or would hear about the crazy African team coach who fights with players, officials and recently had a bout with police too !
Have Patience guys !
Our resources are draining out because of the vampires who are sucking our happiness out. To kill these 'vampires', we cant do a 'Rambo' or a 'Rocky' to slit their throats ,instead, have to go and 'buy' patience to get rid of them from our lives . Just like the zillion DSF offers, patience comes in a bonus package with happiness, with no strings attached such as 'limited offer' or 'untill stock lasts'. In the end, I recall a wise man telling me once, 'There are 'ghosts', 'ghost believers' and 'non-believers', to live in harmony one should respect each other's point of view and should not feel disgraced, thus have patience'.

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