Mayhem spells its bound on the Pakistan's People's Party. The party has lost its leader and the Bhutto family has lost the last soul alive – Benazir Bhutto. The public and the media point the fingers on the enemies of democracy for this fiasco. Now, a new crisis has hit Pakistan.
Dust has settled down and a new cock-crow has brought hope again. Preparation for the burial of the leader has started. But, innocent loose life and material as PPP jiyalas and/or the troublemakers go on a lethal rampage.
As it is a national holiday now, so I decided to relax during this extended weekend. From the beginning, it was a nippy morning and at this time of the hours of darkness, 11.34 pm, its chillier than ever. In the morning, I had my breakfast and then switched on the television to see what's on. I start browsing the channels expecting some drama on the occasion of BB's First Death Anniversary. As expected, all media channels were singing mournful jingles to remember the soul which departed last year at 5.17 pm.
PTV has done a great job by spending the tax payer's money to pay homage to the Late Leader. In one of the songs, Shahida Mini with her partners sang a song which would have even made BB yawn. It would have been better if this money was spent on the Afghan refugees living behind the Sabzimandi area, in the heart of Islamabad, without electricity, in dilapidated mud houses, without basic amenities of life and without good jobs. Surely, the Master of my soul would have forgiven some sins of the Late Leader when the empty stomachs and troubled minds would have supplicated to the Forgiver to forgive the Former Prime Minister for her sins and shortcomings. Moreover, it would have been a nice political move too as such a move would have been appreciated by all. Surely, everyone would have appreciated this rather than the Shahida Mini song.
Well hours passed away, and all I could hear on TV was "BB yeh hain" or "BB who hain" and this was turning me into a maniac. Or, all I could hear was "BB ZINDA HAI","QAUM YATEEM HOGAI" and a lot more of such bizarre remarks for the dead soul and the nation. Additionally, the continuous utterance of the "Shaheed" word before or after her name was to a certain extent strenuous for my mind as it was against my belief. In simpler terms, in Islam, one who dies for the religion is called a martyr and this is what I believe. At the point of her death, she was campaigning for her election – nothing Islamic about that. Definitely, she was a champion of democracy and was fighting to restore it – nothing Islamic about it either because the democratic system is not an Islamic system of governance or at least the one she was fighting for and we are having at the moment is indisputably not a complete Islamic way of governance. So how can be she called a martyr?
The same question was raised by a very political vigorous friend of mine on the platform of facebook.com. Firstly, he mentioned the pro and cons of the Late Leader and then allowed peers to voice their opinion on the topic – Is BB a martyr?
Well, many were of the opinion that she cannot be called a martyr for Islamic reasons. Interestingly, John F. Kennedy is still remembered as an assassinated President and not a martyr, for this I raise my right hand and salute to the Americans for the first time, but I will surely hit Bush with a boot with my other hand just like the now famous Iraqi journalist.
Interestingly, to my surprise, charily and appallingly, 1 year and on, we have PPP in Government and there is no sign of the killers. Still, a single effort or step on this issue has not been taken by the incumbent leaders. In fact, Mr. Zardari said a couple of days back in Nodero that he knows who the killers are, so what is the dynamic which is holding him to say the names, he's the President, his cronies and recruits consists of top rank ministers, in short he is the most powerful man in Pakistan at the moment.
I believe the reason for not finding the culprits behind the assassination of Benazir Bhutto is same as those of Liaqut Ali Khan, John F. Kennedy, Rajiv Gandhi and General Zia ul Haq i.e. the powerful are trying to save the skin of the perpetrators who were involved in heinous crimes.
Mayhem spells its bound on the Pakistan's People's Party. The party has lost its leader and the Bhutto family has lost the last soul alive – Benazir Bhutto. The public and the media point the fingers on the enemies of democracy for this fiasco. Now, a new crisis has hit Pakistan.
Dust has settled down and a new cock-crow has brought hope again. Preparation for the burial of the leader has started. But, innocent loose life and material as PPP jiyalas and/or the troublemakers go on a lethal rampage.
As it is a national holiday now, so I decided to relax during this extended weekend. From the beginning, it was a nippy morning and at this time of the hours of darkness, 11.34 pm, its chillier than ever. In the morning, I had my breakfast and then switched on the television to see what's on. I start browsing the channels expecting some drama on the occasion of BB's First Death Anniversary. As expected, all media channels were singing mournful jingles to remember the soul which departed last year at 5.17 pm.
PTV has done a great job by spending the tax payer's money to pay homage to the Late Leader. In one of the songs, Shahida Mini with her partners sang a song which would have even made BB yawn. It would have been better if this money was spent on the Afghan refugees living behind the Sabzimandi area, in the heart of Islamabad, without electricity, in dilapidated mud houses, without basic amenities of life and without good jobs. Surely, the Master of my soul would have forgiven some sins of the Late Leader when the empty stomachs and troubled minds would have supplicated to the Forgiver to forgive the Former Prime Minister for her sins and shortcomings. Moreover, it would have been a nice political move too as such a move would have been appreciated by all. Surely, everyone would have appreciated this rather than the Shahida Mini song.
Well hours passed away, and all I could hear on TV was "BB yeh hain" or "BB who hain" and this was turning me into a maniac. Or, all I could hear was "BB ZINDA HAI","QAUM YATEEM HOGAI" and a lot more of such bizarre remarks for the dead soul and the nation. Additionally, the continuous utterance of the "Shaheed" word before or after her name was to a certain extent strenuous for my mind as it was against my belief. In simpler terms, in Islam, one who dies for the religion is called a martyr and this is what I believe. At the point of her death, she was campaigning for her election – nothing Islamic about that. Definitely, she was a champion of democracy and was fighting to restore it – nothing Islamic about it either because the democratic system is not an Islamic system of governance or at least the one she was fighting for and we are having at the moment is indisputably not a complete Islamic way of governance. So how can be she called a martyr?
The same question was raised by a very political vigorous friend of mine on the platform of facebook.com. Firstly, he mentioned the pro and cons of the Late Leader and then allowed peers to voice their opinion on the topic – Is BB a martyr?
Well, many were of the opinion that she cannot be called a martyr for Islamic reasons. Interestingly, John F. Kennedy is still remembered as an assassinated President and not a martyr, for this I raise my right hand and salute to the Americans for the first time, but I will surely hit Bush with a boot with my other hand just like the now famous Iraqi journalist.
Interestingly, to my surprise, charily and appallingly, 1 year and on, we have PPP in Government and there is no sign of the killers. Still, a single effort or step on this issue has not been taken by the incumbent leaders. In fact, Mr. Zardari said a couple of days back in Nodero that he knows who the killers are, so what is the dynamic which is holding him to say the names, he's the President, his cronies and recruits consists of top rank ministers, in short he is the most powerful man in Pakistan at the moment.
I believe the reason for not finding the culprits behind the assassination of Benazir Bhutto is same as those of Liaqut Ali Khan, John F. Kennedy, Rajiv Gandhi and General Zia ul Haq i.e. the powerful are trying to save the skin of the perpetrators who were involved in heinous crimes.