Tauheed , simply means “Oneness of Allah” i.e. only He alone is to be worshipped. Tauheed is just not a simple definition which one has to follow. It brings numerous effects in the life of a believer. Believers, who transform the meaning of religion as a set of rituals, fail to implement the true essence of Tauheed into their lives. There are numerous aspects which Tauheed adds into the life of a Muslim which is imperative and the key to success in the life and in the life hereafter. Following are the effects which Tauheed enriches ones life with.
Firstly, Tauheed begins with the Kalima that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger. The Kalima does not limit or narrow the powers of seeking and exercising knowledge, in fact, it gives a believer a vision which makes him capable to gain refined knowledge. For example, his belief that Allah is one does not limit him to believe in false deities or a group of them; he knows everything is created by Allah and He is perfect. This assurance of perfectness can only be found in Allah because other assumed gods have features and characteristics of a human being. Therefore, the believer is able to relate and trace each and every source of information or knowledge with Allah which makes him educated and the life in this world becomes easier for him.
Secondly, the belief makes the believer mentally very strong. It helps him to control his inner senses i.e. the mind, the soul or the ego. The control over the inner senses assists him always to go through a self realization mode. He constantly realizes and reminds himself that every thing or every act is from Allah; be it a happy moment or an accident. He knows that The Powerful can only make things happen and His Creation does not possess the power to harm or benefit anyone. It keeps one away from Shirk (ascribing partners to Allah) and also makes the believer fearless from those creatures who try to play god in this world. He refuses to bow down against those who try to fear him which boosts his morale, self respect and self esteem.
Thirdly, the belief in Tauheed assists a person to remain modest and courteous in the affairs of this world. The reason for such a feeling to arise in him and the possibility of it effecting positively on him is the simple fact that He knows he is successful in the affairs of the world because it has been written by Him in his destiny i.e. because it is the will of Allah. He knows and acknowledges that for his success the only reason is that he is in the good books of Allah i.e. he might be doing good deeds for which Allah is rewarding him. This helps the human being to live lowly and stay away from arrogance and pride.
Fourthly, the Tauheed develops the feeling of patience and satisfaction in the life of a Muslim. Such feelings are developed easily in the life of a human being through the practice of Tauheed into his worldly affairs. The believer knows that if he sacrifices the evil acts or from his pocket, he knows what he is trading with Allah will bring him profits. The believe in the profits/rewards from Allah creates satisfaction and takes perseverance levels to unprecedented heights.