The fight in SWAT is the most depressing episode in the history of Pakistan, or at least the one I am witnessing in my life span. Pakistan is once again being used by separatists to fulfill their agenda – agenda which is never Islamic and always pro-self-government. It seems some people are really benefiting by creating rift between us. But who are these people?
If you ask this question to a liberal Pakistani, he would say it’s the Taliban because they want to execute their radical ideology of Islam. Proof – find it yourself by asking anyone belonging to the MQM. If you go to a Pakistani who is confused about Islam and gets his information from the internet, he would say that it is the Jews, the American or the Free Masons. Proof – put this subject on the facebook.com site and you would know. Now, if you go to an elderly person who experienced independence from India or any cricket fanatic, he would say: "It’s the Indians". And they would attest it because every Tom, Dick and Harry knows how Bangladesh was created. But then, if you ask this query from a practicing Pakistani Muslim or ones who always criticize and take out rallies against the incumbent folks at the helm of affairs, they will accuse the government of Pakistan and directly/indirectly praise the Taliban and Al Qaeda. The last set also says often the following statement: "The crime rate was zero in SWAT before Pakistan changed its policy regarding Afghanistan and stopped stopping the Americans from conducting drone attacks".
So, before this war on terror we had a problem of traditions. Like, there were people going round calling themselves Punjabis, Seraikis, Sindhis, Hindcos, Pashtuns, Chitrali and Balochis whenever a foreigner questioned about their nationality. This was a huge problem because one should call himself Pakistani when someone asks them from where they belong. Well, if that was not serious, now we have a problem because we are a nation who has a split opinion about a crisis which is threatening our way of life.
Back to the question, and I haven’t found the answer yet because of the gash in opinion. Some call them militants and some call them friends or protectors of Islam. While, some long marchers and Muslim brothers accuse the government because of its bad record – Sarah Palin, the judges' fiasco, load-shedding, food crisis, pending legislation on the 17th Amendment, a, b, c, d and f. And yes e too.
To find the answer to such a tricky question, one needs to study about both the parties involved in the conflict – Pakistani Government and the militants. Let's start with the Pakistani Government first. The Pakistani Government does not have a clean record and anyone can vouch for that, be it the last establishment or the current one.I believe most of the blame goes to Musharraf because during his era, the policy was changed regarding Afghanistan which led to the eventual change of policy in the Tribal Areas also. Most of the folks know that the folks in tribal areas used to rule their areas according their own principles and everything was hale and hearty (I remember SWAT as a land of peace when I visited it 8 years back). But, when US started its drone attacks in WANA and Waziristan, the Pakistani government broke the covenant with the tribal chiefs and employed their rule instead of firing down the drones. But, the current government should be blamed more than the previous because it has failed to clear the mess created by the anarchist regime of Mr. Musharraf.
Moreover, they are employing the same methods used by Musharraf to curtail this dilemma i.e. by the use of force. He failed, the US failed (and are failing since the Vietnam War), and therefore Zardari cannot bring peace through the use of weapons or through this way. Another aspect which goes against the government is that they have just received some crispy green notes from the Obama administration which makes most of the Pakistani think that our leaders have sold themselves yet again. So, one thing is sure now, we cannot believe the government 100 % (though I appreciate the way they have cut down the load-shedding in the capital, hope I did not say this too early).
Lets analyze the second party - militants a.k.a. Talibans a.k.a. Indian agents a.k.a. Protectors of Islam. First thing first, we can agree that they are militants because they are rebellious and revolutionary at the same time but the opposition can call the army that too. So, we move ahead and see if they are actually Talibans. Well, I believe that they are not simply because the Taliban should be using it full resource to fight the Americans out of the country which they ruled before, why bother with a country where millions support them anyways. In addition, it is difficult for me to digest that the Talibans have actually inaugurated a Pakistani branch. This is insane if it is true because it is strategically and logically not possible because they are bombed and attacked daily in Afghanistan which leaves them no time and resource to think elsewhere. Plus, the history tells that when Pakhtuns fight, they fight like undaunted warriors who don’t go around covering their face to hide their identities. Proof – the war of AJK in the late 40's, the Kargil War and the war with the Russians in the 80's. Maybe the reason they hide their faces is that they don’t belong to this country. Maybe.
So if they are not Taliban, then they must be Indian and/or foreign agents. That's a possibility too. Think Tanks and ex military men/strategists are suggesting that these fighters are a mix of foreign agents and local people of the region who are serving the agenda of the Indians, Israelis, Americans, Russians and/or the Free Masons. But if you observe, the above five have the same ideology. They want a secular world, they want their own state and exterminate threats to their beliefs, they believe in a centralized way of governance(that goes for the Americans too, their foreign policy for the past six decades prove this fact that they are as communist as the Russians), and that they want to implement their New World Order. So if this assumption is true then these people are surely not the Protectors of Islam.
But, if they really are the true Muslims and protectors of our religion then: why do they hide their identities and how can they kill their own Muslim brothers working for the Pakistan Army. Indeed, this is very strange. Moreover, if they are true Muslims and are in opposition to the people who are against Islam then why are they using their energies to fight with a Muslim country, why don’t they kill some whites at NATO, British and Americans in Afghanistan?
I know my knowledge is very limited, but I am sure Islam does not tell Muslims to kill their brothers who say the Shahadah, pray, fast in Ramadan, pay Zakat, perform Hajj and have the same six beliefs which they have. Moreover, mostly, I hear bizarre things from Muslim Khan, the official spokesperson of Tehrik-e-Taliban. Like, he recently said that weapon is actually a jewelry item for Muslims i.e. he is trying to imply that Muslims should do this form of Jihad as often as they dress and undress. But, why has his group ignored the Greater Jihad, which is fighting with the demons inside, and why do they prefer the lesser Jihad more? Why don’t they create a practical educational and awareness system which will help them to achieve their aim in Muslim Countries?All of a sudden, the history of the Battle of Badr has come into my mind which has actually helped me to say assertively that both the parties are not upholding the rule of warfare because they are fighting by not protecting the civilians. On one side the army men are firing ammunition from miles away or from the air, while the militants are using people as human shields i.e. by keeping their strongholds where civilians live. In short, they are killing more civilians then each other.
So, as far as I can conclude, I just cannot believe both the parties involved in this conflict. The reasons are simple: they hide their agendas, swathe their identities, take money and obey the orders of those who have beliefs opposite to the religion and culture practiced in Pakistan. Both are the enemies of the country which was made for the Muslims of the Sub Continent, indubitably.
I think I have unraveled the secret. I know who the real enemy is. See, Pakistan is a Muslim country where strong people live (if we were not strong our neighbors would have gulped us down by now, we exist that signifies we are one of strongest Creation of the Lord) and, luckily, we have got nuclear arsenal too. So, the enemies first sowed the seeds of pro-self-rule feelings to break this country and after more than 3 decades they are using Islam to make this nation weaker. Therefore, the enemy is the one who is selling weapons to create rift between the Muslims so that they kill each other, which will make way for them to implement their evil beliefs and satanic ideologies. Certainly, the answer is non Muslims – Indians, Israelis, Russians, Americans and the Free Masons.
The solution to avoid this depressing episode to become a catastrophe is that each and everyone should investigate the truth, surely Allah help those who try. As well as by demanding explanation from the people who are on our payrolls, are the only ways to clear the illusion we live in or forced to abide in.