‘Your times up, my times now’ by the WWE superstar John Cena is being sung by all the Anti Musharaf these days. Optimistically, they don’t bash up the autocrat the ‘Cena way’ as it only looks good on TV but not in reality. Gratefully, the days of the despot are coming to an end. The days of slavery, victimization, corruption, frauds, the futile ‘war on terror’ and unlawful deposition of the judges is coming to an end hopefully.
Hopefully, the Pakistan Democratic Coalition which consists of PPP, PML (N), ANP and MQM is going to serve the people rather being served. It’s still a tough pill for the people to digest that the forces that used to fight like cats and dogs have now actually joined hands. Reasons for this coalition are different for each party; PPP wants to rule for 5 years, PML-N has a personal vendetta against the regime; ANP wants to capitalize from this opportunity so that it could change the name of NWFP to Pakhtunkhwa while MQM wants ministries in Sindh and recently they demanded that the Governor of Sindh should be from their party.
But, these are not the tribulations of the People of Pakistan. The people of Pakistan have gone through reincarnation, thus, they want the leadership to solve issues which are affecting their day to day lives. Firstly, the judiciary crisis should be resolved without more ado so that people can afford a fair and an economical justice. Secondly, the food inflation and the flour catastrophe is distressing the people where it hurts the most – stomach – thus this should be in the priority list of the government. Thirdly, Job opportunities should be created for the public so that everyone’s hale and hearty end of the day. Moreover, problems such as corruption, Islam-o-phobia in the West, Release of Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Budget deficits, bleak Police System, a scrawny Tax culture, Missing people’s case, May 12 carnage by MQM should be also solved while Musharaf should face the courts due to the massacres & treason he is guilty of during his tenure. Moreover, Balochistan has to be taken out of poverty
The key word for success in Pakistan is cooperation. People of Pakistan have shown they stand united, they have joined hands against the self proclaimed emperor and are soon going to see history changing where the king will be oust from his throne. Recent resignation of Attorney General of Pakistan, Malik Mohd Qayyum – the advisor of Musharaf on constitutional matter, proves that even his partners have realized that supporting him is a complete loss. The word which can change the scenario in Pakistan is education. Once people gain knowledge in Islam and the World they would know the difference between right and wrong. Once that is achieved, no ruler would be able to play games with the public. Finally,the magic word for success in Pakistan is Islam. The leaders and the people should follow the principles of Islam projected by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Allama Iqbal and Mohd Ali Jinnah i.e. obey your God and his principles, struggle for your just cause, be honest and brave so that the fairy of success comes and kisses you.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Aitzaz Ahsan - The WINNER yet AGAIN!

GEO channel's 'Capital Talk', a current affairs programme, which is hosted by Hamid Mir invited two very important guests to discuss the extra constitutional measures taken by President General(R) Pervaiz Musharaf. The guests were Aitzaz Ahsan, a warrior against anarchy, and Attorney General Pakistan Malik Mohd Qayyum- the Captain of the Defence Team of Musharaf. The show successfully transmitted the message of truth which has taken us out of the world of illusion in a blaze. By the end of the show Aitzaz Ahsan came out victorious as he managed to make Malik Mohd Qayyum accept things which were against the regime of Musharaf and his stance that the actions of November 3 were lawful.
Firstly, Malik Mohd Qayyum admitted to the fact that the measures taken by Musharaf were Extra Constitutional, thus this certifies that General's measures were against the constitution.Secondly, he proclaimed that personally he does not like monarchy but will defend Musharaf because previously courts used to bow down under martial law administrators - Army Generals. This comment is a huge contradiction plus a big lie because he is helping Musharaf to prolong his cling to the throne and fighting with Chaudary Ifthikar who has the distinction of being the first Chief Justice not to bow down against a military person. One ponders why he is not supporting the person who has fulfilled his personal desires then. Thirdly, the Attorney General informed us that a judge can only and only be removed by the provisions in Article 207 and nothing else which proves the point that Musharaf cannot suspend judges through an extra martial or in other words through an unconstitutional order. Moreover, when the question was raised by the host that judgments of the Supreme Court(SC) should be respected even if its a Chaudary Ifthikar SC or Hameed Dogar SC, Malik Mohd Qayyum said that the host is right as under the Article 190 under the constitution, the people of Pakistan have to respect the court rulings and that he is a firm believer of this Article. On that note, Aitzaz hit his winning blow which was 'the feather' which broke the 'camel's back'. He asked him a simple question - ' Why did you and your client not accept the decision of the Supreme Court led by Chaudary Ifthikar who passed the decision on November 2 that the proclamation of emergency is not required and summoned you to come to the courts on November 5 and clarify the stance of your client ?'.
This caused a panic and made Malik Qayyum speechless or it actually left him in a state of gibberish. All the time before this TV show, Malik Qayyum stressed the fact that judges could be only restored with a 2/3 majority in the Parliament and Senate and not by a simple resolution. But as he was engulfed in a state of confusion by the shrewd lawyer, Attorney General had to accept that if the will of the people want the judges back through a simple resolution than that is a possible because Aitzaz Ahsan reminded him that he used the same tool to get Musharaf's PCO rules validated by the then 'outgoing parliament' and Supreme Court.
Therefore, it proves that President Musharaf has become the first President in the history of Pakistan who can be put on trial for the charges of molesting the constitution in other words for treason. I express gratitude to the media of Pakistan for becoming an eye wash for the people of Pakistan.
This caused a panic and made Malik Qayyum speechless or it actually left him in a state of gibberish. All the time before this TV show, Malik Qayyum stressed the fact that judges could be only restored with a 2/3 majority in the Parliament and Senate and not by a simple resolution. But as he was engulfed in a state of confusion by the shrewd lawyer, Attorney General had to accept that if the will of the people want the judges back through a simple resolution than that is a possible because Aitzaz Ahsan reminded him that he used the same tool to get Musharaf's PCO rules validated by the then 'outgoing parliament' and Supreme Court.
Therefore, it proves that President Musharaf has become the first President in the history of Pakistan who can be put on trial for the charges of molesting the constitution in other words for treason. I express gratitude to the media of Pakistan for becoming an eye wash for the people of Pakistan.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

No Aid to Musharraf's Dictatorship in Pakistan! No Arming and Training of Tribal Militias! We need funds for working families at home, not for reckless intervention. The United States is bringing Iraq to Pakistan. Modeled on the costly and dangerous experiment of training and arming Sunni militias in Iraq's Anbar province, the U.S. military's Special Operations Command is making plans to increase the number of military trainers in Pakistan and "directly finance a tribal paramilitary force" composed of tribes that have "agreed to fight Al Qaeda and foreign extremists."Meanwhile, the Consolidated Appropriations Act (2008) passed by Congress in mid-December will allow Pakistan to receive $250 million of the $300 million it receives annually from the United States in military assistance together with the sale of F-16 aircraft, 700 air-to-air missiles, and P-3C surveillance planes to Pakistan. In the last six years, Pakistans military junta has been awarded over $5 billion in aid to continue suffocating civil society in Pakistan in the guise of fighting terrorism. On November 3, 2007, the government of Pervaiz Musharraf, whose brutal dictatorship has locked up lawyers, journalists, union activists, and members of rival political parties since he took power in a military coup in 1997 and imposed martial law in Pakistan. The unwarranted dismissal of judges, suspension of the Constitution, and declaration of a state of emergency on November 3 by the Musharraf government has particularly heightened a situation rife with cases of forced disappearances, police brutality, torture, mass illegal arrests, and other violations of the rule of law. Washington is cutting social programs for health, education, housing and the environment for working families while destabilizing Pakistan through training tribal militias and propping up Pervaiz Musharraf's brutal dictatorship. Decades of foreign aid going to military spending in Pakistan has undermined democratic institutions and fueled forces of oppression, reaction, and extremism.- I support the right of the people of Pakistan to oppose Pervaiz Musharraf's dictatorship. - I support their just and democratic demand for the restoration of an independent judiciary. - I demand an immediate end to all military aid to Pakistan. - I deplore the U.S. military's reckless intervention in Pakistan.
Monday, March 17, 2008
OPEN LETTER TO General Pervaiz Ashfaque Kayani

Letter to Pakistan Chief of Army Staff
General Pervaiz Ashfaque Kayani,
Abdul Basit Khawaja
Campaign to Restore Democracy to Pakistan
General Kiyani Sahib,
Every citizen of Pakistan who wants to chose the path majorly of Jinnah’s Ideologies would applaud your February 13th decision to recall all military officers from Pakistan’s civil departments. Pakistan’s bourgeoning civil society will be strengthened through this brave reversal of your predecessor’s heavy-handed and dictatorial imposition of the military in civilian affairs. Our men in uniform were pledged to defend Pakistan’s citizens and its Constitution. Instead, President Pervaiz Musharraf’s domestic policy had forced them to make the unnatural choice between doing their job and defending their country or deferring to their chief’s decision to hold civil society and the Constitution hostage at the barrel of a gun.
Musharraf has brought loss to our country and nothing else. The proclamations by his aides regarding economic prosperity, peace, low poverty levels and on war on terror illustrates a false image in the minds of the people.According to a corruption watchdog survey I saw on a website, Pakistani public opinion perceived the first and second terms of Musharraf's administration as respectively more corrupt than the first and second terms of previous administrations led by Bhutto and Sharif, respectively. Musharaf’s government has cost taxpayer’s money hundreds of millions of rupees in order to hire a team of aristocratic lawyers to represent him in the courts. For instance, regarding the privatization of Pakistan Steel, whose worth is around Rupees 600 billion was being sold out for a mere Rupees 20.6 billions, the government had spent Rupees 90 million , with Sharifudin Pirzada-a prominent lawyer- alone hoarding 6.6 million rupees as fees. Another example from several more, Musharraf appointed Shaukat Aziz as finance minister during his tenure as the Chief Executive. World powers supported Pakistan financially rescheduling debt to reward Pakistan due to the support it gave in the war on terror which helped in saving hundreds millions of dollars, in addition Musharaf was able to secure new loans. Result - foreign exchange reserves increased exceeding $16 billion in 2006, but at the same time foreign debt hit an all time high topping $40 billion.The portrayals from his side are so bogus so that he can create an illusion to put his trial and accountability on the back burner. To lead one needs to be honest i.e. not to break their undertakings. Late 2003, Musharraf made a deal with the religious party MMA agreeing to resign from the army by 31 Dec 2004. With that party's support, pro-Musharraf members were able to gather the two-thirds majority required to pass the controversial17th Amendment, which legalized Musharraf's 1999 coup and many of his decrees. In late 2004, Musharraf went back on his promise and Musharraf’s legislators in the Parliament passed a bill allowing him to keep both offices.According to the following articles from the constitution mentioned here, Musharaf should be charged for treason and fire-starting corruption to the country.According to Article 6 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan:-
"Any person or persons who commit the act of mutiny against the parliament, judiciary and/or the elected members and officials of parliament is/are guilty of committing the highest treason. This person or persons committing such an act must be charged and prosecuted in the court of law and sentenced to death if found guilty”
Article 243.1 of the constitution of Pakistan states that 'The Federal Government shall have control and command of the Armed Forces' and when a person is commissioned as a member of the Armed Forces, takes the following oath
"I ------, do solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to Pakistan and uphold the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan which embodies the will of the people, that I will not engage myself in any political activities whatsoever and that I will honestly and faithfully serve Pakistan Army (or Navy or Air Force) as required by and under the law”
Such a person should not be supported by your institution as he is a de-stabliser to our solidity. Additionally, he should face the court for his actions because it will create an example for Generals, Ministers power and stake holders not to indulge in corruption. If the voting was in the favor of the ‘Kings Party’, Pakistan would have been thrown back into the times of ‘Pharaoh’ where the people of Musa (A.S) were harshly treated as slaves. A quote of Lao Tzu strikes a chord in my mind, “Governing a great nation is like cooking a small fish - too much handling will spoil it,” this quote shows the true picture into the minds of the people of Pakistan of what Musharaf is doing to the country.
We hope that you will perform your duties assigned in the constitution and not indulge in the political arena of this country like your forerunner and your 'ancestors in the military' .
However, the work to restore democratic political participation in Pakistan has only begun. A majority of Pakistan's judiciary was dismissed on November 3rd when President Musharraf imposed martial law in the guise of "emergency." On November 13th, Pakistan's Supreme Court was due to hear the cases of 485 victims of enforced disappearance over the past six years. Many of these had returned with horror stories from detainment centers around the world, including the one in Guantanamo Bay.
Cases of enforced disappearance are not unique to Pakistan. This problem has been created through a global regime of inter-state paranoia, government’s defiance of key principles of the Rule of Law, cash-payments made to mercenary kidnappers, intelligence forces that are held accountable to neither the judiciary nor the executive, and covert foreign operations that flout state-sovereignty and government’s accountability to its own people. The agents abduct people in broad day light and scuttle them across the globe to hold them without charge in unspeakable places: Guantanamo, Bagram, Kandahar, Adiala, Attock, Mianwali, Military confinements that’s the most my mind could gather, must be a dozen more.
Consequently, the campaign to restore missing persons to their families is a global effort. Thanks to the courage of members of the international media in continuing day-by-day coverage the social and political upheavals in Pakistan, the partners and supporters, who are Pakistanis, are demonstrably poised to seize this historic opportunity to help the vibrant, multi-ethnic fabric of Pakistani civil society secure for itself the hues of democratic participation, pluralism, and peace for all its citizens.
We, the people of Pakistan, demand the release of all those who have been abducted and detained without charge by the military and the intelligence agencies under your command. The families of victims of enforced disappearances are demanding that the COAS’s office issue a list of the names and charges of all Pakistanis held under extrajudicial detainment on account of actions taken by the army and intelligence forces under his command.
Hopefully, we the people of Pakistan are worried about the above
The People of Pakistan
General Pervaiz Ashfaque Kayani,
Abdul Basit Khawaja
Campaign to Restore Democracy to Pakistan
General Kiyani Sahib,
Every citizen of Pakistan who wants to chose the path majorly of Jinnah’s Ideologies would applaud your February 13th decision to recall all military officers from Pakistan’s civil departments. Pakistan’s bourgeoning civil society will be strengthened through this brave reversal of your predecessor’s heavy-handed and dictatorial imposition of the military in civilian affairs. Our men in uniform were pledged to defend Pakistan’s citizens and its Constitution. Instead, President Pervaiz Musharraf’s domestic policy had forced them to make the unnatural choice between doing their job and defending their country or deferring to their chief’s decision to hold civil society and the Constitution hostage at the barrel of a gun.
Musharraf has brought loss to our country and nothing else. The proclamations by his aides regarding economic prosperity, peace, low poverty levels and on war on terror illustrates a false image in the minds of the people.According to a corruption watchdog survey I saw on a website, Pakistani public opinion perceived the first and second terms of Musharraf's administration as respectively more corrupt than the first and second terms of previous administrations led by Bhutto and Sharif, respectively. Musharaf’s government has cost taxpayer’s money hundreds of millions of rupees in order to hire a team of aristocratic lawyers to represent him in the courts. For instance, regarding the privatization of Pakistan Steel, whose worth is around Rupees 600 billion was being sold out for a mere Rupees 20.6 billions, the government had spent Rupees 90 million , with Sharifudin Pirzada-a prominent lawyer- alone hoarding 6.6 million rupees as fees. Another example from several more, Musharraf appointed Shaukat Aziz as finance minister during his tenure as the Chief Executive. World powers supported Pakistan financially rescheduling debt to reward Pakistan due to the support it gave in the war on terror which helped in saving hundreds millions of dollars, in addition Musharaf was able to secure new loans. Result - foreign exchange reserves increased exceeding $16 billion in 2006, but at the same time foreign debt hit an all time high topping $40 billion.The portrayals from his side are so bogus so that he can create an illusion to put his trial and accountability on the back burner. To lead one needs to be honest i.e. not to break their undertakings. Late 2003, Musharraf made a deal with the religious party MMA agreeing to resign from the army by 31 Dec 2004. With that party's support, pro-Musharraf members were able to gather the two-thirds majority required to pass the controversial17th Amendment, which legalized Musharraf's 1999 coup and many of his decrees. In late 2004, Musharraf went back on his promise and Musharraf’s legislators in the Parliament passed a bill allowing him to keep both offices.According to the following articles from the constitution mentioned here, Musharaf should be charged for treason and fire-starting corruption to the country.According to Article 6 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan:-
"Any person or persons who commit the act of mutiny against the parliament, judiciary and/or the elected members and officials of parliament is/are guilty of committing the highest treason. This person or persons committing such an act must be charged and prosecuted in the court of law and sentenced to death if found guilty”
Article 243.1 of the constitution of Pakistan states that 'The Federal Government shall have control and command of the Armed Forces' and when a person is commissioned as a member of the Armed Forces, takes the following oath
"I ------, do solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to Pakistan and uphold the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan which embodies the will of the people, that I will not engage myself in any political activities whatsoever and that I will honestly and faithfully serve Pakistan Army (or Navy or Air Force) as required by and under the law”
Such a person should not be supported by your institution as he is a de-stabliser to our solidity. Additionally, he should face the court for his actions because it will create an example for Generals, Ministers power and stake holders not to indulge in corruption. If the voting was in the favor of the ‘Kings Party’, Pakistan would have been thrown back into the times of ‘Pharaoh’ where the people of Musa (A.S) were harshly treated as slaves. A quote of Lao Tzu strikes a chord in my mind, “Governing a great nation is like cooking a small fish - too much handling will spoil it,” this quote shows the true picture into the minds of the people of Pakistan of what Musharaf is doing to the country.
We hope that you will perform your duties assigned in the constitution and not indulge in the political arena of this country like your forerunner and your 'ancestors in the military' .
However, the work to restore democratic political participation in Pakistan has only begun. A majority of Pakistan's judiciary was dismissed on November 3rd when President Musharraf imposed martial law in the guise of "emergency." On November 13th, Pakistan's Supreme Court was due to hear the cases of 485 victims of enforced disappearance over the past six years. Many of these had returned with horror stories from detainment centers around the world, including the one in Guantanamo Bay.
Cases of enforced disappearance are not unique to Pakistan. This problem has been created through a global regime of inter-state paranoia, government’s defiance of key principles of the Rule of Law, cash-payments made to mercenary kidnappers, intelligence forces that are held accountable to neither the judiciary nor the executive, and covert foreign operations that flout state-sovereignty and government’s accountability to its own people. The agents abduct people in broad day light and scuttle them across the globe to hold them without charge in unspeakable places: Guantanamo, Bagram, Kandahar, Adiala, Attock, Mianwali, Military confinements that’s the most my mind could gather, must be a dozen more.
Consequently, the campaign to restore missing persons to their families is a global effort. Thanks to the courage of members of the international media in continuing day-by-day coverage the social and political upheavals in Pakistan, the partners and supporters, who are Pakistanis, are demonstrably poised to seize this historic opportunity to help the vibrant, multi-ethnic fabric of Pakistani civil society secure for itself the hues of democratic participation, pluralism, and peace for all its citizens.
We, the people of Pakistan, demand the release of all those who have been abducted and detained without charge by the military and the intelligence agencies under your command. The families of victims of enforced disappearances are demanding that the COAS’s office issue a list of the names and charges of all Pakistanis held under extrajudicial detainment on account of actions taken by the army and intelligence forces under his command.
Hopefully, we the people of Pakistan are worried about the above
The People of Pakistan
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Why can’t we begin afresh putting in judges who have never taken oath under the PCO?
The answer to the question can be easily found in Aitzaz Ahsan's speeches and interviews .If the deposed judges are not brought back to office, no future judiciary will be able to carry on with their duties i.e to pass just decisions, either against or for government, because the harsh treatment given to Chaudary Ifthikar and his team will come back to haunt them when they would be on the verge of making critical decisions. Additionally, people have voted back Nawaz and Zardari who had sometime back had lost popularity due to corruption. Thus, these judges should be given a chance because ,firstly they are not accused of corruption and titlting towards powerful personalites while making decisions,secondly and most importantly, they have proved in their tenure that they are not ready to bow down to the pressures of a monarch.
The Danes , The West and the myth about their 'FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION'
Danish newspapers have once again tarnished the name of Islam and made mockery of our beloved Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) on the name of freedom of expression. But the situation has backfired for them as Muslims have become more united on the stance against Denmark. USA attacked Iraq and Afghanistan because it threatened their economy and stability -this is what the world perceives, actually, Bush wanted to boost his economy because USA earns when they do what they are best in i.e. war.
Moreover, USA and the West is afraid that Iran 'MIGHT' put them into danger if it acquires nuclear arsenal and thus have put sanctions against it. Thus, OIC should pass a resoulution that no Muslim country will conduct business activities with the Danish untill and unless they change their approach towards the 'limits of freedom of expression' they permit their newspapers.
Intrestingly, in Denmark, there has been mass protests where alot of valuable property has been lost and additionally the Danish companies have suffered financially in the Muslim countries. But the Danish side keeps on defending themselves by repeating their stance again and again that its their right to freedom of expression. All this stuborness from the Danes is bringing them loss and chaos.It will be difficult for Danes, a secular and mostly Christian state, to pass a law which states not to speak against any religon. Thus, the Danish should pass a law on Freedom of expression which states, 'One cannot use freedom of expression to derail Denmark from the track of progress and economic growth'. This alone would be able to control further confrontations and dissuade people from passing stupid comments which are fatal in nature.
Moreover, USA and the West is afraid that Iran 'MIGHT' put them into danger if it acquires nuclear arsenal and thus have put sanctions against it. Thus, OIC should pass a resoulution that no Muslim country will conduct business activities with the Danish untill and unless they change their approach towards the 'limits of freedom of expression' they permit their newspapers.
Intrestingly, in Denmark, there has been mass protests where alot of valuable property has been lost and additionally the Danish companies have suffered financially in the Muslim countries. But the Danish side keeps on defending themselves by repeating their stance again and again that its their right to freedom of expression. All this stuborness from the Danes is bringing them loss and chaos.It will be difficult for Danes, a secular and mostly Christian state, to pass a law which states not to speak against any religon. Thus, the Danish should pass a law on Freedom of expression which states, 'One cannot use freedom of expression to derail Denmark from the track of progress and economic growth'. This alone would be able to control further confrontations and dissuade people from passing stupid comments which are fatal in nature.
The recent Lahore bomb blasts verify that this has been done by a group who has an advantage from it. From the impression given, there are only two parties who can gain from this sadistic situation. Either it is the extremists who want to establish their point that the operation in the Northern Areas is unfair or it is Musharaf. The reason I doubt that Musharaf has a hand at the rear of this is that he wants to prove his overseas allies, especially Mr. Bush, that he is the only knight in shining armor in Pakistan who can stop such shows of aggression. To authenticate this point in front of his boss, he can say that since the election results the frequency of bombs going off has become more i.e if he sticks to the throne there wont be any suicide bombing. Moreover he can use this explanation later on, when the new parliament tries to impeach him, he will use the power given to him by 58-2(B) to dismiss the parliament on the basis that they were trying to kick him out rather than doing anything against the suicide bombers. He's ‘singing his notes’ very correctly but the only dilemma which has crop up for him is that people have started to comprehend his plans very well. As one of his former military colleague said once, “I will not be surprised if this clever ruler is behind all the suicide attacks," the nation understands this too.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
It is upsetting to see in newspapers and on tv about the false way of illuminating the election vote count by the Pro-Musharaf forces. The spin doctors, such as Pervez Elahi and Mushaid Hussain are trying to prove that the country is divided on the Musharaf issue and that he is still popular fruitlessly . The truth is just the reverse.
The result of the total valid votes from Election Commission has vigorously announced that the people have rejected the policies of the dictator. The votes accumalated by PPP, PML-N, ANP, MMA(F) are around 17487305 votes where as Pro Musharaf parties have collected 10581822 which includes pre-poll rigging and the rigging on the day of elections. The victory of margin for MQM in Karachi proves that the turnout was more than 60 % in Karachi which is unattainable as TV stations were reporting that the turnout is low in polling stations while my friends here told me that their vote had already been casted in Hyderabad for the favour of MQM while they were at work thousand miles far in UAE !
Late Benazir’s PPP is first, PML Q is second while Nawaz Sharif’s PML(N) is at third with 6 million on the basis of total votes while on seat basis PPP is first, PML-N is second and PML-Q is a distant third.A point to be noted is that PML-N only had a day to file nominations for their candidates because they decided on the eleventh hour to contest the elections as Nawaz Sharif arrived late from exile. If they had more time, they would have got the 2/3 majority because most of the PML-Q members would have ran back to the parent party-PML-N. It is obvious many would have changed their loyalties from PML-Q to PML-N because presently it can be seen after the elections that many forward blocs from PML-Q faction are coming forward to help PML-N in the parliament. PPP gained because of the word ‘Bhutto’ associated with them, PML-Q would not have got more than 4 seats if there was no pre poll rigging and the MQM would not have got a single seat if they did not use the ‘art of intimidating voters’.Lately, when Mushahid Hussain Syed and Chaudary Shujaat visited Karachi to meet previous allies, Jatoi’s NPP and Altaf’s MQM, they had to come back with gloomy faces as none of the parties showed their interest in supporting the PML-Q. Its actually the other way round as both Jatoi and Altaf have showed their wholeheartedness to be a part of the government thus the vote accumalated by the Pro Musharaf allies decreases to around 7 million and the vote for Anti Musharaf touches the milestone figure of 20 million.Additionaly, there are question marks over the actuality if PML-Q would be competent to formulate the governement in Balochistan or not because of the alignment of the present winning contestants used to be with PML-N before the 1999 coup. The only reason they did not support PML – N in the previous elections because Nawaz Sharif was not present in the country and now they are waiting to make their next move after the decisions in the federal are finalised. Significantly, famous nationalist parties who have a permanent vote bank due to the tribal system boycotted the elections and the turnout in Baluchistan is reported to be less than 20 %.
The popularity of the Nawaz Sharif in Balochistan is due to the fact that people recognise the fact that General Musharraf’s claims to have initiated the Gawadar Port Project is contrary to the fact that it was actually a brainchild of Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and he had taken practical steps to begin the project. In July 1997 the PML (N) government endorsed the project. The Planning Commission approved PC-I of the project in July 17, 1998 and the National Committee of the National Economic Council approved the project on May 14, 1999. This project was also included in the budget of 1999-2000 where a huge grant was allocated for the project. In consequence of these developments, the Harbour Engineering Corporation of China signed an MoU with the Government of Pakistan on September 16, 1999 for the first phase of the project.
With the judiciary issue and Anti Musharaf slogans, Benazir and Nawaz Sharif have benefited by default. So, do you all know who is the real winner then?
The People Of Pakistan.
The result of the total valid votes from Election Commission has vigorously announced that the people have rejected the policies of the dictator. The votes accumalated by PPP, PML-N, ANP, MMA(F) are around 17487305 votes where as Pro Musharaf parties have collected 10581822 which includes pre-poll rigging and the rigging on the day of elections. The victory of margin for MQM in Karachi proves that the turnout was more than 60 % in Karachi which is unattainable as TV stations were reporting that the turnout is low in polling stations while my friends here told me that their vote had already been casted in Hyderabad for the favour of MQM while they were at work thousand miles far in UAE !
Late Benazir’s PPP is first, PML Q is second while Nawaz Sharif’s PML(N) is at third with 6 million on the basis of total votes while on seat basis PPP is first, PML-N is second and PML-Q is a distant third.A point to be noted is that PML-N only had a day to file nominations for their candidates because they decided on the eleventh hour to contest the elections as Nawaz Sharif arrived late from exile. If they had more time, they would have got the 2/3 majority because most of the PML-Q members would have ran back to the parent party-PML-N. It is obvious many would have changed their loyalties from PML-Q to PML-N because presently it can be seen after the elections that many forward blocs from PML-Q faction are coming forward to help PML-N in the parliament. PPP gained because of the word ‘Bhutto’ associated with them, PML-Q would not have got more than 4 seats if there was no pre poll rigging and the MQM would not have got a single seat if they did not use the ‘art of intimidating voters’.Lately, when Mushahid Hussain Syed and Chaudary Shujaat visited Karachi to meet previous allies, Jatoi’s NPP and Altaf’s MQM, they had to come back with gloomy faces as none of the parties showed their interest in supporting the PML-Q. Its actually the other way round as both Jatoi and Altaf have showed their wholeheartedness to be a part of the government thus the vote accumalated by the Pro Musharaf allies decreases to around 7 million and the vote for Anti Musharaf touches the milestone figure of 20 million.Additionaly, there are question marks over the actuality if PML-Q would be competent to formulate the governement in Balochistan or not because of the alignment of the present winning contestants used to be with PML-N before the 1999 coup. The only reason they did not support PML – N in the previous elections because Nawaz Sharif was not present in the country and now they are waiting to make their next move after the decisions in the federal are finalised. Significantly, famous nationalist parties who have a permanent vote bank due to the tribal system boycotted the elections and the turnout in Baluchistan is reported to be less than 20 %.
The popularity of the Nawaz Sharif in Balochistan is due to the fact that people recognise the fact that General Musharraf’s claims to have initiated the Gawadar Port Project is contrary to the fact that it was actually a brainchild of Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and he had taken practical steps to begin the project. In July 1997 the PML (N) government endorsed the project. The Planning Commission approved PC-I of the project in July 17, 1998 and the National Committee of the National Economic Council approved the project on May 14, 1999. This project was also included in the budget of 1999-2000 where a huge grant was allocated for the project. In consequence of these developments, the Harbour Engineering Corporation of China signed an MoU with the Government of Pakistan on September 16, 1999 for the first phase of the project.
With the judiciary issue and Anti Musharaf slogans, Benazir and Nawaz Sharif have benefited by default. So, do you all know who is the real winner then?
The People Of Pakistan.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The people of Pakistan have voted in this elections to condemn the policies of Musharaf and band. Sixty percent of the inhabitants have chosen the Anti-Musharaf forces to get rid of sucide bombers, empty stomachs and victimisation from their lives.
Firstly, the war on terror is not our battle and Pakistanis have realised it. Through the documentary ‘Farenheit 9/11’ and other conspiracy theories, people are now conscious that the war on terror is sham as the foundation of the war is made of lies. Some uneducated muslim people on either side of the border are encircled by the bureaucracy of the ‘New World Order’ so that they can attain their vice domino effect. Secondly, the people want an autonomous judiciary so that they can get the evenhandedness which they are unable to get for the past six decades. The example of Benazir’s Assasination is one of the zillon examples where justice could not triumph. Thirdly, the previous government accepted that Shaukat Aziz was guilty for the current energy, flour and inflation crises, thus, people did not have any other choice than to vote for the opposition who are the ‘cock-eyed’ in the world of our politics where everyone is ‘blind’.
People have nominated ‘change’ and it’s the duty of the leaders who have got the term of office to execute it. People are having high expectations and if this time they are not concluded, it will lead to a the first revolution in the history of Pakistan against the anarchism.
Firstly, the war on terror is not our battle and Pakistanis have realised it. Through the documentary ‘Farenheit 9/11’ and other conspiracy theories, people are now conscious that the war on terror is sham as the foundation of the war is made of lies. Some uneducated muslim people on either side of the border are encircled by the bureaucracy of the ‘New World Order’ so that they can attain their vice domino effect. Secondly, the people want an autonomous judiciary so that they can get the evenhandedness which they are unable to get for the past six decades. The example of Benazir’s Assasination is one of the zillon examples where justice could not triumph. Thirdly, the previous government accepted that Shaukat Aziz was guilty for the current energy, flour and inflation crises, thus, people did not have any other choice than to vote for the opposition who are the ‘cock-eyed’ in the world of our politics where everyone is ‘blind’.
People have nominated ‘change’ and it’s the duty of the leaders who have got the term of office to execute it. People are having high expectations and if this time they are not concluded, it will lead to a the first revolution in the history of Pakistan against the anarchism.
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